Data Story telling through Power BI

Gender Inequality in Unpaid work across the world- analysed with Power BI

Kanchan Yadav
2 min readAug 29, 2020

Gender equality has garnered importance across the world to achieve socio-economic balance. Over the years, the world has slowly and steadily moved towards providing equal oppotunity to women in different areas. However, it is important to look at the level where we, as a society, stand in areas tradionally considered to be women’s forte — the domestic and family care.

As per the survey conducted by UN — Time Use Statistics across 85 countries, Women across the world disproportionately shoulder the burden of unpaid work. Women on an average spend approximately 4.4 hours/day on unpaid work compared to 1.7 hours/day by Men. The Unpaid work hours which include time spent on domestic work, family care, child care etc. is approximately 3 times higher for Women than Men.

The following visualisation depicts the gender inequality in sharing the house work responsibility. It is developed using Power BI on the basis of data by UN-Time Use Statistics. For interactive version of the visual, please click here

The glaring difference of three times more unpaid work hours of women is an average for all countries. The important factor to notice is that the proportion is higher for women in certain countries, particularly the developing and underdeveloped countries.

It is essential to realise that the higher unpaid work reduces the time availability with women to spend on paid work, education and self care which undermines their participation in GDP and economy-wide productivity. Therefore , it is important to recognise the importance of sharing domestic work equally and encourage higher participation of women in paid work for acheiving gender equality in the society.



Kanchan Yadav

Data enthusiast. Loves telling stories using data.